Thursday, April 24, 2014

Jason's Perfect Margherita Pizza (the result of a challenge)

I"m going to make this short sweet and simple, there is a contest from Italy that challenges you to make the best Margherita Pizza and basically you have ten simple fresh ingredients you can use and although supposedly simple, it's very difficult!!!!! My "WONDERFUL" nephew had to tell me he couldn't wait to see the post, Rikki my finger still hurts thanks for the Artichoke IDEA!

RESULT:  My family will never want another kind of pizza.
Thanks out to dad for the buttermilk biscuit recipe, it only took me 30 years to figure out  ;)

My favorite game is IWIN!  teehee!  And I still hate you for the artichoke idea.

TILL Next time ENJOY! :)  *goes to doctor his finger*

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Jason's crazy bacon breakfast "adult" only drink ;)

Crazy year, crazy month, crazy week, crazy day sometimes this is what you end up with :)  Enjoy

Friday, April 11, 2014 This is just a sample and this one goes out to Rikki Blevinswhich loves Bacon Wrapped BACON!, and Trish Miller which wanted a new recipe. This is the first of many to come. Visit or Jason's Kitchen on my Facebook for more Fat NumNum's as Azaria calls them
